Privacy statement

The Privacy statement of Cruise Excursions Belgium informs you about how your personal data is being collected, processed and forwarded.

Cruise Excursions Belgium respects the privacy of its clients, suppliers and personnel according to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (called “GDPR” from here on), effective since 25 May 2018. Cruise Excursions Belgium and its personnel (called “CEB” from here on) commit to protect the privacy of its clients, suppliers and personnel, and of other parties confiding their personal data to CEB. We publish this privacy statement for the benefit of all parties concerned. By sharing your data with Cruise Excursions Belgium you agree with all conditions included in this privacy policy.

Protection of the personal data of clients of Cruise Excursions Belgium:

Legal ground: The use of personal data of clients by CEB is limited to the data necessary to complete all required reservations and execute all the required arrangements relating to the travel plans, the congress, the event, the excursion, the project or the service delivered to the client. For no other purpose than the project or service in question, CEB will process this personal data. Only the CEB employees involved in the organisation, execution or administrative process of the project or service in question, will consult or process the personal data of the client. No personal data will be communicated to third parties who are not involved in the execution of the project or service of the client.

To process the personal data of children, the consent of one of the parents or the legal guardian is requested. By sharing the personal data of a child younger than 16 year with CEB by one of the parents or a legal guardian whom is client of CEB, it is considered a consent to process this data to execute the necessary reservations or arrangements to realise the travel plans or event of the client.

Data retention policy: the personal data of the client will be kept as long as post-interventions concerning the trip, the congress, the event, the excursion, the project or the provided service are required. Invoicing details are retained during the legal term imposed by the Belgian accountancy law (i.e. 7 years).

CEB requests suppliers, organisations or entities that are receiving the personal data of its clients, to commit to the GDPR regulations as well.

According to the destination of the trip, the congress, the event, the excursion, the project or the provided service, it is possible that the personal data of a client is being forwarded to suppliers or entities outside the European Union. This will only be the case if the execution of the project, the service or order requires this. External parties outside the European Union will also be requested by CEB to commit to the GDPR regulations when processing this data.

The above mentioned guidelines are also applicable for personal data received via the website, e-mail, correspondence or any other form of communication, communicated by potential clients, suppliers or persons of contact.

Deviation of the above mentioned clauses are only possible by written consent of the client concerned.

Protection of the personal data of suppliers of Cruise Excursions Belgium:

Legal ground: CEB requests and processes only the personal data of suppliers, its employees or subcontractors required to allow the execution of a service or order for  CEB as client. For no other purpose than the service or order in question, CEB will process this personal data.

Only the personal data of the supplier, its employees or subcontractors that are absolutely required to allow the execution of the service or order, are being processed. It mainly concerns contact details, identity card numbers and license plates, to make communication concerning the service or order possible, and to allow access to secured areas as harbours, airports, etc. for which a detailed personal identification is mandatory due to severe safety measures. These personal details are only used or communicated in order to make the execution of the service or order possible, and for no other purpose than this.

Only the CEB employees involved in the project for which this data is required, consult or process the personal data of the supplier, its employees or subcontractors involved. No personal data will be communicated to third parties who are not involved in the execution of the service or order in question.

Data retention policy: the personal data of the supplier, its employees or subcontractors will be kept as long as post-interventions concerning the trip, the congress, the event, the excursion, the project, the provided service or order are required.

Invoicing details are retained during the legal term imposed by the Belgian accountancy law (i.e. 7 years).

CEB requests suppliers, organisations or entities that are receiving the personal data of its suppliers (including its employees and subcontractors), to commit to the GDPR regulations as well

According to the destination of the trip, the congress, the event, the excursion, the project or the provided service, it is possible that the personal data of a supplier is being forwarded to suppliers or entities outside the European Union. This will only be the case if the execution of the project, the service or order requires this. External parties outside the European Union will also be requested by CEB to commit to the GDPR regulations when processing this data.

Deviation of the above mentioned clauses are only possible by written consent of the supplier concerned.


Protection of the personal data of employees of Cruise Excursions Belgium:

Legal ground: The personal data of the personnel or subcontractors of CEB, needed to execute their assignment for CEB as employer, will only be used by CEB for this purpose. It concerns all personal data required for the personnel register, the social secretariat or other suppliers or entities involved to allow CEB to comply with the obligations of the industrial law.

Data retention policy: the personal data of the personnel of CEB will be kept during the time of employment, prolonged with the legally required storage time of five years.

CEB requests suppliers, organisations or entities that are receiving the personal data of its personnel, to commit to the GDPR regulations as well.

According to the destination of the trip, the congress, the event, the excursion, the project or the provided service, it is possible that the personal data of our employees is being forwarded to suppliers or entities outside the European Union.

Deviation of the above mentioned clauses are only possible by written consent of the employee concerned.

Protection of your personal data towards external third parties.

Personal data are data related to your name or personal identity.

CEB does not sell, rent or lease your personal data to other parties. CEB does not release your personal data to third parties that are not involved in any of the above mentioned activities without the consent of the person involved, unless the processing of this personal data is required by law.


Cookie policy.

By using the website of Cruise Excursions Belgium it is possible that certain information of your web surfing behaviour on our website is processed by certain technological aids. These “cookies” do not allow us to identify you.

The gathered information concerning your web surfing behaviour on our website (f.ex. which pages are being consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) allow us to receive an insight in the use of our website, completely anonymously. This allows us to update our website to the needs of our visitors. This information is not spread and is not used for any other purpose than mentioned above.


Your rights.

As client, supplier or employee of CEB you have the right to access your personal data processed by CEB, as well as the right to have inaccurate data corrected, the right to have wrongfully processed data to be removed as well as the right to have all your data processed by CEB to be removed (to the extent legally possible).


Security of your personal data.

CEB takes extensive measures to protect the data given by you. CEB uses a wide range of physical and technical (ICT) measures, as well as procedures and internal directives to secure the collected data, with the objective to prevent illegal access to this data or illegal publication of this data.


Contact and amendments:

In case you have questions or remarks concerning the privacy policy of Cruise Excursions Belgium or if you would like to exercise your above mentioned rights, you can contact us through the contact page on our website (

If you assume that your data have been processed falsely or has been misused, you can report this to the Belgian Privacy commission:

Contact address and opening times

Commission for the protection of privacy
Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels

 +32 (0)2 274 48 00
 +32 (0)2 274 48 35

The Data Protection Authority’s offices are open to members of the public during office hours, but by appointment only. Please observe that the preferred languages for contacting the Privacy Commission are Dutch and French.

Accessible by phone:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 08:30 until 12:00 – 13:00 until 16:30

Wednesday, Friday: 08:30 until 12:00


Amendments to this policy.

This policy has been updated on 25 may 2018 following the commencement of the GDPR.

This privacy policy can be subject to change, based on additional legislation and directives concerning the execution of the GDPR or following changes in privacy related directives. You can always consult our most recent privacy statement on our website. When providing your personal data to CEB, we recommend that you always consult our most recent privacy statement.